Wealth is inspiring, more fascinating; But the path is exigent. Creating wealth from nothing is what startup dreams are made of.

Late night, early morning or mid night calls, an entrepreneur has to power through each of it without a doubt. The constant juggle of jobs leaves the person with undenying anxiety and stress. Focus towards ambition is the only motivation that helps sail through. It is the determination and focus that made Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Bezos the names that they are today.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, currently possesses a net worth of $85.7 Billion dollars and tops the list of elite self made billionaires in the world. Bill gates sets an exemplary inspiration for those who have a goal in mind through his journey. Technological innovation, conscious business strategies, and aggressive business tactics through the journey led to Mr. Gates become the First Self-Made Billionaire in 1987.

Another most influential, determined, and innovative idea of success processed by the computer-programming student of Harvard led him to become the name amongst 5.5 million users and prospectives by the end of 2005. None other than the maker of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg currently stands at the networth of $78 billion.

The determination, observation and many other entrepreneurial traits are common who are on the ladders of success.

Find out the list of top self-made billionaires published by Wealth X, a Singapore-based firm that compiles research on the ultra-wealthy.



 Image Source : Entrepreneur.com

Fascinating, isn’t it?

Above is the list of top SELF-MADE BILLIONAIRES. Here is what led them to become the number ONE.

1. Vision:

A vision that is far fetched will open your mind to endless possibilities of the future. It will help you overcome obstacles and fears and hold you on in the tough times. It creates a purpose that becomes a measurement of success.

2. Passion:

Motivation, self-belief or often overused “Passion” is the burning desire to excel, keep going on, and not quit; even on the worst of days. The enormous zeal & faith are the guides that keep the faith alive despite all obstacles. If you want to know an entrepreneur truly loves his job, judge it through his motivation and determination towards building his enterprise every single day. An entrepreneur is always improving his ideas and stemming together strategies to succeed.

3. Decisiveness:

entrepreneurship traits

Decision making isn’t an inherited talent, it is a calculated analysis of market trends, upcoming sales season, and business opportunities that lead to an accurate decision. For a businessman to be decisive, the key influential factors are aware of every detail that can affect the business.

4. Creativity:

Hard work is the road to success? Not really! The road to success in today’s competitive world is smart work. In the world of billions, the only MANTRA to succeed is the inventiveness.

Creativity does not stop at the ideation of the core business setup. But, how you carry each business activity. Every brick comes together to build the wall to hang trophies. Small steps like automating processes, investing smartly, and tracking each business activity to stay aware give birth to creativity.

5. Courage:

To build an empire all by yourself is a courageous decision that moved you to take up your passion as a new career option. Through this very decision, every step that you will take will be a courageous decision that you will make. Sometimes calculated, many times courageous, your business will demand you take calls. The best way to know the step forward is by listening to your instincts. Hear the inner voice, even if that stops you from putting an ear to what experts have to say.

6. Optimism

business traits

Not every day in an entrepreneur’s life is rosy. The clouds of uncertainty and always cover the light of motivation. A great entrepreneur does not leave the dream. He brims with optimism because his belief in his dreams never fade.

“Tough times never last, but tough people do”- Robert H. Schuller

Minor setbacks are obstacles that should pause you. But, never derail. Plan actions to overcome obstacles and then start moving towards the goals again.
Don’t forget to learn meanwhile!

7. Constant Learning

The world is constantly evolving with new trends emerging. Those who ignore and do not keep pace with constant changes obsolete with time.

If today, an organization still works with paper invoicing and manual processes it is wasting 78 hours, on average. While others who automate and opt for a customized software solution are saving 72 hours. This means 72 hours of more productivity and closer in the race to win. The ability and desire to constantly learn should never fade away. An entrepreneur should be aware of everything, world, trends, markets, climate, and even behaviors. Each news is important, opportunities crack through every information.

Read About: How to Overcome Business Challenges With Customized Solutions

8. Confidence

A successful entrepreneur never doubts himself. If Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates would have doubted their ideas. Today, we wouldn’t be communicating. They are confident about their ideas and processes through which they’re leading it. Such confidence is gathered through the process of learning and evolving. And the confidence they possess reflects in everything they do.

9. Self-Starter

entrepreneur traits

A boss orders, a leader leads. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, it is important to lead the path towards goals. Don’t just talk about plans, execute ideas by yourself to help your team follow your path. Self-discipline and motivation are the first few steps that a successful entrepreneur should take and let your team follow. Reading books on wealth can provide valuable insights and strategies to help guide these efforts.

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Other than these traits, a successful entrepreneur is the one who is always curious to climb ladders and unlock the treasure boxes at every step. The curiosity to gather every reward while climbing and moving forward keeps the determination and motivation to work hard intact.

The other most influential trait of successful entrepreneurs is the ability to communicate and manage employees. Employees are the support system that help you succeed. Keeping them motivated and happy helps your business soar. Invoicera, provides you a custom software solution which also increase your employees’ productivity due to Automation.

So, if you’re on the journey to becoming an entrepreneur, you have just entered the exciting roller-coaster world. This journey will have many highs and lows. But trust us, it will be all worth it in the end.