Frequently Asked Questions: Features & Functionality

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1. How does Invoicera handle online invoicing?

Invoicera makes invoicing easy and automated. It allows you to create invoices digitally and send them to your clients via email, making the process faster and more efficient.

2. What are the benefits of adopting e-invoicing for my business?

E-invoicing offers several benefits such as:

  • Faster Invoice Delivery
  • Reduced Costs of Printing Invoices
  • Enhanced Accuracy
  • Improved Invoice Tracking
  • Better Cash Flow Management

3. Can I integrate e-invoicing with my existing accounting or ERP system?

Yes, e-invoicing systems often offer integrations with various accounting and ERP software.

Integration streamlines the invoicing process by automatically syncing invoice data with your financial management system, reducing manual data entry and improving overall efficiency.

4. Can I issue an invoice without a GST number?

If your business is registered under GST, it’s mandatory to have a GST number and issue invoices with it.

For businesses not under GST, it’s not required.

5. Do I need to manually calculate GST for each invoice in Invoicera?

No, Invoicera automates GST calculations based on the rates you set. This eliminates the need for manual calculations, reducing errors and saving time.

6. Can I keep a record of estimates and purchase orders?

Yes, you can! Invoicera lets you record and organize your estimates and purchase orders so you can keep track of your business transactions and orders in one place.

7. What are the custom workflow options for creating and managing invoices in Invoicera?

Invoicera offers customizable workflows, meaning you can set up and organize the steps of creating and managing invoices according to your specific business needs. This helps in making the invoicing process smoother and tailored to your workflow.

8. Can I automate recurring invoices using Invoicera for better efficiency?

Absolutely! Invoicera allows you to automate recurring invoices, saving you time and effort. You can set up a schedule, and Invoicera will automatically generate and send invoices at the specified times.

9. How does Invoicera handle different tax rates and calculations?

Invoicera is equipped to handle various tax rates and calculations. You can set up different tax rates based on your location or the type of product or service you provide, ensuring accurate invoicing according to tax regulations.

10. Can I set up approval workflows for invoices in Invoicera to ensure accuracy before sending them to clients?

Yes, you can!

Invoicera offers approval workflows, enabling you to set up a system where invoices need to be approved by designated individuals before being sent to clients.

This ensures accuracy and avoids mistakes before finalizing the invoice.

11. How does Invoicera handle late payment fees and reminders for overdue invoices?

Invoicera helps you manage late payments effectively. You can set up automatic late payment fees and reminders for overdue invoices, prompting clients to make payments on time and avoid delays.

12. Are there options to add discounts or promotional offers to my invoices using Invoicera?

Absolutely! Invoicera allows you to add discounts or promotional offers to your invoices. You can apply these discounts to specific items or the entire invoice, providing flexibility in your billing process.

13. How does the client portal feature in Invoicera enhance financial management?

The client portal in Invoicera is a secure place where you and your clients can manage money matters efficiently.

You can easily share invoices, and your clients can view and pay them with just a few clicks.

This helps in organizing and streamlining financial transactions, making it easier to keep track of payments, view outstanding balances, and maintain a clear record of all financial interactions between you and your clients.

14. How are credit notes managed within Invoicera?

To manage a credit note in Invoicera, you can easily create a credit note associated with a specific invoice. The credit amount can then be applied to future invoices for that client, reducing the payable amount accordingly. This helps in efficient credit management and simplifies future transactions.

15. How does Invoicera handle Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP)?

Invoicera helps you keep a close eye on the money flowing in and out of your business.

  • Accounts Receivable (AR) is like a list of the money your clients owe you. It could be pending payments from your clients.
  • Accounts Payable (AP) is the list of money you owe to others, like bills to be paid for services or products.

Invoicera helps you manage both sides efficiently. You can track pending client payments (AR) and keep track of what you owe to vendors or suppliers (AP). It’s like having a financial assistant to organize your money matters.

16. What kind of reporting and analytics features are available in Invoicera for financial insights?

Invoicera provides a range of reporting and analytics features that offer valuable financial insights. You can generate various reports and visualize your financial data through graphs and charts. These reports cover income, expenses, profit and loss, tax summaries, and more.

17. Can clients make payments directly through the client portal in Invoicera?

Absolutely! Invoicera’s client portal provides a convenient and secure space for clients to manage their transactions.

Clients can easily view their invoices and make payments directly within the portal.

It’s a user-friendly interface that allows them to pay their invoices with their preferred payment method, providing a seamless and efficient payment experience.

18. Does Invoicera allow for bulk invoicing or billing for multiple clients at once?

Yes, Invoicera offers a handy feature that allows you to create multiple invoices in one go. This is a great time-saver if you need to bill several clients for the same service or product.

Instead of creating each invoice individually, you can use the bulk invoicing feature to generate multiple invoices simultaneously.

19. How does Invoicera handle refunds and adjustments on already issued invoices?

If you need to issue a refund to a client, you can easily create a credit note for the specific amount. This credit note acts like a virtual credit that the client can use for future payments.

In case of adjustments, you can edit the invoice to reflect the necessary changes and notify the client about the adjustments made.

20. Does Invoicera integrate with third-party tools and applications?

Yes, Invoicera integrates with various third-party tools and applications, streamlining your workflow and making business management more efficient.

21. How can I set up automated reminders for invoices in Invoicera?

Setting up automated reminders in Invoicera is easy. You can schedule reminders for your invoices once you have created them, and the system will automatically send them to your clients at specified intervals, ensuring timely payments.

22. Can I customize the design and layout of my invoices to match my brand using Invoicera?

Absolutely! Invoicera allows you to customize the design and layout of your invoices, enabling you to match them with your brand’s colors, logo, and style for a professional and consistent look.

23. Are there specific accounting software integrations supported by Invoicera?

Yes, Invoicera offers seamless integrations with popular accounting software, facilitating smooth financial management and ensuring that your invoicing data is seamlessly synced with your preferred accounting tools.
In case you want to integrate with your accounting software, you can always contact our support team to make it possible for you.

24. How does automated reminders integration in Invoicera enhance timely payments and invoicing efficiency?

Automated reminders in Invoicera prompt clients to pay on time by sending them timely reminders about pending invoices. This ensures faster payments, reduced delays, and improved invoicing efficiency, ultimately benefiting your cash flow.

25. How many languages does Invoicera support?

Invoicera is designed to be accessible and user-friendly for a global audience. Currently, Invoicera supports 15+ languages to cater to the diverse needs of its users.

This ensures that users from different regions and language backgrounds can use Invoicera in a language they are most comfortable with.

26. Is it possible to manage multiple businesses within Invoicera from a single account?

Yes, Invoicera provides a convenient feature that allows users to manage multiple businesses all from one unified account. This feature allows users to switch between businesses easily without the need for separate logins.

27. How does Invoicera assist in managing projects, tasks, and time tracking?

Users can easily create and manage projects within Invoicera, breaking them down into tasks and subtasks for better organization.

Furthermore, Invoicera facilitates time tracking for each task, enabling users to monitor the time spent on specific tasks.

This functionality offers a clear overview of project progress and aids in accurate invoicing based on time tracked, ensuring that projects stay on track and within budget.

28. Can Invoicera facilitate online payments for my invoices?

Yes, Invoicera simplifies the payment process by offering seamless integration with various online payment gateways.

This means that when you send an invoice using Invoicera, your clients can easily and securely make payments online using their preferred payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, or other supported payment gateways.

It makes convenient for both you and your clients to improve the turnaround time for receiving payments.

29. Can I generate project-wise financial reports to analyze the profitability of each project using Invoicera?

Absolutely! Invoicera provides advanced reporting features that allow you to generate project-wise financial reports.

These reports provide in-depth insights into the financial performance of each project. You can analyze project costs, revenue generated, expenses incurred, and overall profitability.

30. What measures does Invoicera take to ensure data security and backups?

Invoicera prioritizes the security of your data. We employ multiple security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and regular security audits, to protect your information.

Additionally, we conduct regular data backups to ensure that your information is safely stored.

If there is any data loss or technical issue, these backups are crucial to restore your data and never let your business stop.

31. How can I manage staff access and control within Invoicera?

Invoicera provides robust tools for managing staff access and control. As an admin or the account owner, you have the ability to set different access levels and permissions for each staff member based on their roles and responsibilities.

You can control what features and data each staff member can access.

This ensures that your team only has access to the information and functionalities necessary for their tasks, enhancing security and efficiency within your organization.

32. How frequently does Invoicera conduct backups of my data, and how can I access these backups?

Invoicera conducts daily backups of your data to ensure its safety and availability. These backups are securely stored in multiple locations, providing redundancy.

In the event that you need to access these backups, you can contact our support team, and they will assist you in retrieving the required data.

33. Can I control access permissions for individual staff members based on their roles within my organization using Invoicera?

Absolutely! Invoicera offers a comprehensive role-based access control feature that allows you to define specific access permissions for each staff member based on their role or position within your organization.

You can assign roles such as admin, manager, accountant, or any custom role you need. Each role can be tailored to grant or restrict access to various modules and functionalities within Invoicera.

This fine-grained control ensures that staff members have access only to the tools and data relevant to their job roles.


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